Funeral Train Fire Truck Train Station Ball Park Main Street Cemetery Funeral Car

A village in northeast Champaign County, Ohio, founded in 1871. Woodstock played a significant role in the development of commerce and industry in the area and is rich in history.

Welcome to Woodstock

Woodstock was settled by a small group of New Englanders who left their homes in Connecticut and Rhode Island in 1815. Incorporated in 1871, the area was named after Woodstock, Vermont. The first officers of the corporation quickly adopted ordinances limiting "ball playing in the streets" and "noise, and disturbances, drunkenness and indecent and disorderly conduct." Check out the rest of the site for more history and photos.


Village Council meetings take place the second Monday each month in the municipal building at 6:30PM.



The 2024 Annual Financial Report is posted here.

NEW PROPERTY OWNERS: Please print and complete an application for sewer service.

Link to Woodstock boundary maps: maps